Francis "Frank" Albert Sinatra (1915-1998), singer and actor, appears in many FBI files. He was the target of many extortion attempts that the FBI investigated. Sinatra also appeared in FBI files in connection with his contacts with racketeering investigation subjects and his early involvement with the Communist Party in Hollywood. The dates of these files fall between 1943 and 1985.

has in the past been Involved in the financing of a stock by the name Computer Fields Expressway.
Informant stated that one JACK POURTNEY, an employee of 1st William Street Company, NYC, the underwriter of Computer Fields Expressway stock, went to RONALD ALPERT to find buyers for Computer Fields Expressway stock.
ALPERT came up with an investor by the name of JOE PARIS, who bought $100,000.00 worth of Computer Fields Expressway stock, allegedly with money put up by CARLO GAMBIN0, FRANK SINATRA, and JILLY RIZZ0. This stock was bought through the 1st William Street Company, New York City.
Subsequently, the value of Computer Fields Expressway stock dropped, and the $100,000.00 investment was lost.
The informant indicated that XXXXXXXXX
The informant advised XXXXXXXXX

the victim, has been interviewed and has refused to cooperate.
On 2/23/71, Chief Assistant United States Attorney ROBERT MORVELLO, Southern District of New York, New York City, was advised of the facts in this case, and is familiar with several of the captioned subjects.
On 2/25/71, ROBERT MORVELLO advised that this case would necessitate the issuance of subpoenas to the captioned subjects, and in this regard he issued a subpoena for RONALD ALPERT to appear before a Federal Grand Jury, SDNY, on 3/4/71, at 10:00 a.m., to testify and give evidence in regard to an alleged violation of Section 371, Title 18, United States Code.
This subpoena was served on ALPERT on 3/2/71, by Special Agent XXXXXXXXXX per Bureau authority.
On 3/4/71, AUSA MORVELLO advised that ALPERT did not appear before the Federal Grand Jury on 3/4/71, as scheduled. MORVELLO advised he is presently talking with ALPERT's attorney regarding ALPERT's failure to appear before this Grand Jury.

Frank Sinatra investments and if Sinatra had investing in a company, he would probably not be aware of the company name, Rudin said he would have to check through their books of records to determine if they had ever purchased stock through brokerage firms of Parker-England or First Williams Street. However, he did not think they had ever used these firms. He said that Joseph De Modica is Jilly Rizzo's accountant and was always pushing some stock or investment and he believes that he personally bought 500 or 1,000 shares of Computer Fields Express and Home of Country stock. Mr. Rudin said he would personally telephone Ausa Walter K Higgins, Jr., ni New York on the morning of 11/26/73 to discuss this matter and to determine whether Mr. Higgens would want to subpoena him to testify in this matter.

4:00 PM NITEL 11-26-73
To Director
New York
From Los Angeles
Aniello Dellacroce, AKA; et all Ronald Alpert - victim; Itar - Extortion; ect - Perjury.
RE: New York Teletype to Bureau, 11/21/73, which was furnished Los Angeles by facsimile, 11/21/73.
Subpoena served on Jilly Rizzo, 11/23/73, by Special Agent XXXXXXXXXX Rizzo stated he had been expecting subpoena and was aware of the case. Frank Sinatra, when contacted 11/23/73 by telephone to arrange interview, advised Special Agent XXXXXXXXXX he had never heard of Computer Fields Express or Home of Country. He said De Modica was the accountant for Jilly Rizzo. Sinatra advised he would have his attorney Mickey Rudin contact Special Agent XXXXXXXXXX.
During the evening hours of 11/23/73, attorney Milton A. Rudin, telephone 213-278-6060, advised that he handles all
FBI Frank Sinatra
Francis "Frank" Albert Sinatra (1915-1998), singer and actor, appears in many FBI files. He was the target of many extortion attempts that the FBI investigated. Sinatra also appeared in FBI files in connection with his contacts with racketeering investigation subjects and his early involvement with the Communist Party in Hollywood. The dates of these files fall between 1943 and 1985.
Sinatra became the stereotype of the "tough working-class Italian American," something which he embraced. He said that if it had not been for his interest in music, he would have likely ended up in a life of crime. Willie Moretti was Sinatra's godfather and the notorious underboss of the Genovese crime family, and he helped Sinatra in exchange for kickbacks and was reported to have intervened in releasing Sinatra from his contract with Tommy Dorsey. Sinatra was present at the Mafia Havana Conference in 1946, and the press learned of his being there with Lucky Luciano. One newspaper published the headline "Shame, Sinatra". He was reported to be a good friend of mobster Sam Giancana, Kelley quotes Jo-Carrol Silvers that Sinatra "adored" Bugsy Siegel, and boasted to friends about him and how many people Siegel had killed. Kelley says that Sinatra and mobster Joseph Fischetti had been good friends from 1938 onward, and acted like "Sicilian brothers". She also states that Sinatra and Hank Sanicola were financial partners with Mickey Cohen in the gossip magazine Hollywood Night Life.The FBI kept records amounting to 2,403 pages on Sinatra, who was a natural target with his alleged Mafia ties, his ardent New Deal politics, and his friendship with John F. Kennedy. The FBI kept him under surveillance for almost five decades beginning in the 1940s. The documents include accounts of Sinatra as the target of death threats and extortion schemes. The FBI documented that Sinatra was losing esteem with the Mafia as he grew closer to President Kennedy, whose younger brother Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy was leading a crackdown on organized crime. Sinatra said he was not involved: "Any report that I fraternized with goons or racketeers is a vicious lie".
In 1960, Sinatra bought a share in the Cal Neva Lodge & Casino, a casino hotel on the shore of Lake Tahoe. Sinatra built the Celebrity Room theater which attracted his show business friends Red Skelton, Marilyn Monroe, Victor Borge, Joe E. Lewis, Lucille Ball, Lena Horne, Juliet Prowse, the McGuire Sisters, and others. By 1962, he reportedly held a 50-percent share in the hotel. Sinatra's gambling license was temporarily stripped by the Nevada Gaming Control Board in 1963 after Giancana was spotted on the premises. Due to ongoing pressure from the FBI and Nevada Gaming Commission on mobster control of casinos, Sinatra agreed to give up his share in Cal Neva and the Sands. That year, his son Frank Jr. was kidnapped but was eventually released unharmed. Sinatra's gambling license was restored in February 1981, following support from Ronald Reagan.