Knotts Berry Farm
Trying to Photograph everything there
Marilyn and Cecelia
Updated October 2024
Posted March 2022

Bench CharactersAugust 1954:
Following the success of Handsome Brady and Whiskey Bill [], sculptor Claude Bell introduced Ghost Town guests to the bench characters of Marilyn and Cecelia in August 1954. Few realize the two Calico Belles are modeled after Calico Saloon [] entertainers Marilyn Schuler and Cecelia Peterson.
Schuler joined the Farm family in February 1953 as a professional nightclub dancer and mother of two. Peterson was a chanteuse from the nightclub circuit and performed the old classics at the Calico Saloon. Schuler left the Farm in 1958 and Peterson retired in 1956, but both left a lasting impression for millions of guests in their bench characters.Wired for Sound:
When Claude Bell's sculpted ladies were introduced, believe it or not, they were wired for sound and could talk in the same method as Sad Eye Joe [], but that interaction only lasted a year. With time, their names were changed to Nell and Belle, later Anita and Patty, but they're back to Marilyn and Cecelia once again. No matter how you spell their names, they are the beloved Calico Belles.

Calico Bells
To Dance or Knott to Dance
To Dance or Knott to Dance

Bench Scultures