Trolly Stop
Knott's Berry Line
Posted May 2022

Ace Coyote
- Brazen Brave & Brash
- Reward 500 Berrys!
Alias - The Colander Kid

Soozie Coyote
- Fancy Frilly yet Frugal
- Reward 500 Berrys!
Last seen: In an elegant hat but cheap shoes

Brainy Coyote
- Reward 500 Berrys!
- Nerdy Nimble & Nosy
Last seen: With his nose in a book

Crafty Coyote
- Jaunty Jazzy & Pizazzy
- Reward 500 Berrys!
Alias - Junior Jr.

Brawny Coyote
- Tough Thick & Strong
- Reward 500 Berrys!
Alias - The Quicker Pie Picker Upper

Moxie Coyote
- Grits Guts yet Gawky
- Reward 500 Berrys!
Alias - Kay Oss - Dee Saster - N. Traction
Moxie was sighted in Charleston Square