Knotts Berry Farm
Trying to Photograph everything there
Updated October 2024
Posted March 2022

Gold Trails Hotel
Inspired by an old hotel outside of Prescott, Arizona, the Gold Trails Hotel once held Knott's Covered Wagon Cyclorama, a tribute attraction to the West's pioneers. The hotel's founding moniker, 1868, references the year Walter Knott's mother and grandmother moved to California by wagon train.
Inspired by an old hotel outside of Prescott, Arizona, the Gold Trails Hotel once held Knott's Covered Wagon Cyclorama, a tribute attraction to the West's pioneers. The hotel's founding moniker, 1868, references the year Walter Knott's mother and grandmother moved to California by wagon train.


and Mercantile

Another Entrance

And another Entrance

Boysenberry Festival Stuff

Lapel Pins

Lapel Pins

- Boysenberry Pie Makes Me Happy T-Shirts
- Snoopy Plushies
- Knott's California Mugs
- Keychains
- Boysenberry Pie Mugs
- Buttermilk Pancake Mix
- Canned Boysenberries


- Hydro Flasks
- Blankets
- Watering Cans
- Mugs
- Mugs
- Mugs

Knott's California T-Shirt

- Pancake Mix
- Boysenberry Shortbread Cookies
- KBF Sweatshirt
- Canned Boysenberries

- Cans of Boysenberries
- Boysenberry Pie Mugs
- Buttermilk Pancake Mix
- Boysenberry Pie Cozy Throw Blanket

Snoopy Boysenberry Festival Shirt

Boysenberry Festival
- Cutting Boards
- Shot Glasses
- Cutting Boards
- Mugs
- Fans
- Sun Glasses

- Boysenberry Mugs
- Cookie Cutters

- Keychains

Boysenberry Sweatshirt

Knott's California Shirts

- Clothes
- Coffee Mugs

I'm here for the Boysenberries

KBF Robes

Knott's Berry Farm Pennant

Mrs. Knott

Knott's Berry Farm Stand

Berry Stand

Flat of Boysenberries

Boysenberries Picture

Hangman's Tree on the right

At Night