In the 1960s, Walter Knott fulfilled a longtime dream of his, by building his own recreation of Philadelphia's Independence Hall. He built his full-scale replica across the street from the family's already famous Ghost Town, and Chicken Dinner Restaurant.
The official dedication and opening of Independence Hall, took place on July 4, 1966. Walter Knott can be seen below, speaking at the dedication ceremony.
Just inside the entrance is the "Tower Room," and this impressive replica of the Liberty Bell. The bell was faithfully recreated (right down to it's "crack") by Bud Hurlbut, who presented it to Walter Knott as a gift.

Assembly, California Legislature, 1966 (First Extraordinary) Session
Relative to commending Walter Knott
By Honorable James E. Whetmore of the Seventieth District
WHEREAS, On July 4, 1966, the 190th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, an inspiring full-scale replica of Independence Hall will be publicly dedicated at the world-famous tourist attraction of Knott's Berry Farm and Ghost Town in Buena Park, California; and
WHEREAS, The vast, diligent, and painstaking planning and construction of this replica is the culmination of a cherished dream of Walter Knott, the founder of Knott's Berry Farm and Ghost Town, and is the most exciting accomplishment of his long and industrious life; and
WHEREAS, The people of California and the west will soon have the special privilege of viewing the exact replica of Independence Hall in Philadelphia, the most historical building in America and the cradle of the greatest experiment in freedom the world has ever known; and
WHEREAS, The replica is located east of State Highway Route 39 and south of Knott's Lagoon and Jungle Island and contains 10 rooms and two stores, and is constructed with sturdy specially prepared bricks whose antique appearance and texture retain the "colonial look"; and
WHEREAS, It is comprised of two floors, the second of which houses a theater seating over 300 guests, who by film and narration will learn more about the heritage of this great democracy and the distinguished patriots who forged and fashioned the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States, the greatest living document known to man; and
WHEREAS, The first floor will contain the Declaration Chambers and an exact replica of the Liberty Bell, the everlasting symbol of liberty and the touchstone of democracy and the foundation stone of this great republic; and
WHEREAS, The tower of the replica of Independence Hall, topped by s slender spire, rises to a height of 169 1/2 feet, and contains a 7-foot gold leafed weathervane, a 24-inch gold anodized aluminum ball, and an impressive and intricate clock with four 10-foot faces; and
WHEREAS, The great four-faced .. and this beautiful and stately structure and the replica of the Liberty Bell were donated by, respective the American Sign and Indicator Company of Spokane, Washington, and Bud Hurlbut of the Hurlbut Amusement Equipment Company; and
WHEREAS, Walter Knott, through this and many other cultural and civic contributions over the past 76 years, has become known to all as .. whose breadth of spirit and depth of love of country knows no bounds and is loved and respected by all those who have been privileged to know and work with him; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Assembly of the State of California, That the members hereby commend and congratulate Walter Knott, a grand gentleman and leader, upon the august occasion of the completion and dedication of the replica of Independence Hall at Buena Park, and extend to him their deep appreciation for this and the many other significant contributions he has made to the people of California and this nation; and be it further
Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly is hereby directed to transmit a suitably prepared copy of this resolution to Mr. Walter Knott.
House Resolution No. 393 read and adopted unanimously May 24, 1966.
Signed Jesse M Unruh
Speaker of the Assembly
James D. Driscoll
Chief Clerk of the Assembly

World renowned artist, Cao Yong, created this stunningly beautiful painting to commemorate the historical signing of the Constitution of the United States in the year 1787, by our Founding Fathers who gave the American people this priceless gift.
In honor of the creation and signing of the Constitution of the United States, President George W. Bush signed into law on December 8, 2004, bill H.R. 4818, of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2005. Established September 17 of every year as "Constitution Day."

We have come a long way... in 200 years
From thirteen colonies to fifty states.
To welcome the immigrants from other nations
We have flung open the freedom gates.
The colonists came here to gain their freedom
Emancipation and to build a new home.
They built their log cabins out of the wilderness
Cleared the land and tilled the rich loam.
The colonies of the New World prospered
Swiftly growing into villages and cities.
The people of the communities .. voiced their opinions
We must have new laws and town committees.
The laws were made and the cities grew in stature
Despots from Europe . . wanted jurisdiction over the colonies.
Wars were fought and the colonists won
Another freedom gained . . from their enemies across the seas.
In the things we have accomplished in 200 years
With our fears our grief and pain.
As we worked side by side .. filled with pride
While we sowed and harvested the golden grain.
A new Constitution, comprising the Bill of Rights was signed
And the freedom and heritage of the people fulfilled.
The Declaration of Independence ... declared us a new nation
Unanimously signed into law by delegates skilled.
A flag was designed . . representing our liberty
And we have our treasured Liberty Bell
From 1776 to 1976 . . to preserve our posterity
With the Grace of God . . on to the Tri-centennial.
-Carrie P. Hummel





Knott's Bear-y Tales 4D ride experience

Senate Resolution
Relative to the opening of Independence Hall on July 4, 1966 at Knott'a Berry Farm and Ghost Town
By Senator John G. Schmitz
(Co-authored by Assemblyman William E. Dannemeyer)
Whereas, On July 4, 1966, an inspiring full-scale replica of Independence Hall will be publicly dedicated at the world-famous tourist attraction of Knott's Berry Farm and Ghost Town in Buena Park, California; and Whereas, The people of California and the west now have the special privilege of viewing the exact replica of Independence Hall in Philadelphia, the most historical building in America and the cradle of the greatest experiment in freedom the world has ever known; and Whereas, It is comprised of two floors, the second of which houses a theater seating over 300 guests, who by film and narration will learn more about the heritage of this great democracy and he distinguished patriots who forged and fashioned the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States, the greatest living document known to man; and Whereas, The first floor will contain the declaration chambers and an exact replica of the Liberty Bell, which will be a daily reminder of the widespread patriotic fever that stirred the hearts of early Americans and moved them to reject tyranny; and Whereas, The tower of the replica of Independence Hall, topped by a slender spire, rises to a height of 169 1/2 feet, and contains a 7-foot gold leafed weathervane, a 24-inch gold anodized aluminum ball, and an impressive and intricate clock with four 10-foot faces; and Whereas, As part of the Independence Hall Complex, Heritage Hall will house a theater, a Town Hall Meeting Room, and a Colonial Research Library: and Whereas, The vast, diligent, and painstaking planning and construction of Independence Hall is the culmination of a cherished dream of Walter Knott, the founder of Knott's Berry Farm and Ghost Town, and is the most exciting accomplishment of his long and industrious life; and Whereas, July 4, 1966, the 190th anniversary of the date when the Declaration of Independence was signed in Independence Hall in Philadelphia, is a most appropriate day for the dedication of the replica of this historic building; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate of the State of California, That the members commend and congratulate Walter Knott upon the occasion of the dedication of Independence Hall and extend to him the deep appreciation of the people of California; and be it further Resolved, that the Secretary of the Senate be directed to transmit a suitably prepared copy of this resolution to Mr. Walter Knott.
Senate Resolution No. 211 read and unanimously adopted July 1, 1966.
Glenn M. Anderson
President of the Senate
J.A. Beek
Secretary of the Senate