Knotts Berry Farm
Trying to Photograph everything there
Updated February 2025
Posted March 2022

Montezooma's Revenge:
0 to 55 mph launch in less than five seconds, taking riders immediately into a 76-foot-tall vertical loop before climbing a 148-foot-tall dead-end tower. When forward momentum stops, riders then traverse the course backward through the loop, fly through the station, then ascend another 112-foot-tall reverse-point rear tower before rolling again forward into the loading area, ending their thrilling journey.
0 to 55 mph launch in less than five seconds, taking riders immediately into a 76-foot-tall vertical loop before climbing a 148-foot-tall dead-end tower. When forward momentum stops, riders then traverse the course backward through the loop, fly through the station, then ascend another 112-foot-tall reverse-point rear tower before rolling again forward into the loading area, ending their thrilling journey.

Montezooma's Revenge

Please Pardon Our Dust
Montezooma's Revenge is closed. Please visit one of our many attractions in Fiesta Village.
Montezooma's Revenge is closed. Please visit one of our many attractions in Fiesta Village.
Reopening Summer 2023

The Queue Building

The Cars

The Track
Montezooma's Revenge Roller Coaster POV:
Knott's Berry Farm - Buena Park, CA
Blast from 0 to 55 in just 3 seconds, traveling through a giant, seven-story loop -- once forward, then again backwards.

Safety Guide
- Riders must be taller than 48 inches to ride.
- Maximum 1 guests per seat.
- All restraint systems must be positioned and fastened properly.
- Remain seated facing forward in an upright position and hold on until the ride comes to a complete stop.
- Keep all parts of your body inside the ride unit at all times.
- All loose items must be left in a locker or with a non-rider.
- Compliance Certificate may be viewed at the security office.
- Alternate access via exit.