All of these many carvings was done and donated to Western Trails Museum by F.R. Becker, of Santa Ana, California. Mr. Becker is past 90 years of age in this year of 1967.
Seed of the Avocado

This is one of the knives Mr. Becker uses in dolng thig carving work. The knives are made from hack saw blades. Mr. Becker has spent many hours and days at his hobby. It is wonderful when you know he is past 80 years in age. Look these over.
Horse with saddle is made from one piece of wood. The small faces are all made from Avocado seed. Every one should have a hobby, something to keep busy at, something that others may and do learn something from as well as satisfaction.
The Carvings was done by F.R. Becker at 117 South Birch Street, Santa Ana, California. He and Mrs. Becker visited the museum in 1944 and promised to bring some of his work on his next visit. In 1956 they made their second visit and true to his work, brought this display. Carving has been his hobby for many years, their home is full of his work. Mrs. Becker helps out by making sheets for covered wagons. She does not complain about ... up the home, a real heroine.
In Memory of Fred R Becker March 30. 1877 - September 4, 1969. Native of Michigan
All of these many carvings was done and donated to Western Trails Museum by FR Becker of Santa Ana California. Mr Becker is past 90 years of age in this year of 1967.