Knotts Berry Farm
Trying to Photograph everything there
Updated October 2024
Posted March 2022

Sheriff's Office

Jose G. Garcia
- Notice!
No Thieves, Thugs, Fakirs, and Bunko Steerers, among whom are Jose G. GarciaOff Wheeler; Saw Dust, Billy the Kid, Billy Mullin, Little Jack, The Cuter, Pock-Marked Kid, and about Twenty Others.
If found within the limits of this city after Ten O'Clock PM this night you will be invited to attend a Grand Neck-Tie Party.
The Expense of with will be borne by 100 substation citizens Ghost Town, March 24th 1863.
Reward $5,000 Dead or Alive
Robbed Calico and Ghost Town Express
Made off with Gold and Pay Roll Shipment
Jose G. Garcia
Lousy Louie, One-Eye Pete, Frijole Joe, Pegleg Pancho, and Many Many Others.

Alley Towel
100 Others used this towel and you're the first to care
100 Others used this towel and you're the first to care

Outside Wall

Sheriff's Office Card Game

4 Aces

Tombstone Arizona Territory

Lady Marshal