Knotts Berry Farm
Trying to Photograph everything there
Updated October 2024
Posted April 2022

Tinker Shack

Ghost Town T-Shirt


Necklaces and Bracelets

Ghost Town Refrigerator Magnets

- Binoculars
- Ribbons
- Fans
- Train Whistles
- Penny Collector Booklets

- Hats
- Liberty Bell Banks
- Train Building Blocks
- Pioneer Wagon Banks
- Mugs

Butterfield Stagecoach Mugs

1920 Sweatshirt

Boysenberry Cotton Candy


Train Building Blocks
Walter Knott purchased as set of vintage rolling stock from Colorado and brought it to California in order to preserve a piece of American history that was rapidly disappearing. The Rio Grande Southern No. 41, narrow gauge, steam locomotive was built by the Baldwin Locomotive Works in 1881 and made its debut at Knott's Berry Farm in 1952 as part of the Ghost Town & Calico Railroad. Fifty years later, the RGS No 41 engine was named the Walter K. to honor the man who celebrated Western Americana with his outstanding preservation efforts.
Walter Knott purchased as set of vintage rolling stock from Colorado and brought it to California in order to preserve a piece of American history that was rapidly disappearing. The Rio Grande Southern No. 41, narrow gauge, steam locomotive was built by the Baldwin Locomotive Works in 1881 and made its debut at Knott's Berry Farm in 1952 as part of the Ghost Town & Calico Railroad. Fifty years later, the RGS No 41 engine was named the Walter K. to honor the man who celebrated Western Americana with his outstanding preservation efforts.

Toy Train in a Tin

Pull Back and Go Train Engines

Stuffed Animal Horses
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