I was enlisted active duty from 1969 until 1971, I served two six month tours to Vietnam where I spent my time on an oil rig going between the Philippines and North Vietnam.
Throughout my time in service I found that valor means to me, a duty to protect those who cannot protect themselves, the courage to protect and stand up for what you value, leaning into it and not giving up.
I have been inspired by art since I can remember, my mother painting oil paintings in the kitchen is what first sparked my interest in art. I have been painting throughout my life and in the past twenty-five years I have been based out of San Clemente where I create and sell my wave portraits.

I served in the United States Marines from 2003 til 2008. I was posted all over the world from Japan to Thailand, Korea, Kuwait, a combat tour in Iraq, then to embassy duty in Belgium, Nigeria and Colombia... quite the experience.
To me, valor is living a life that brings honor to those who have gone before me. Especially when things get tough.

I am a Staff Sergeant, just back from serving a year tour in South Korea, stationed at Camp Humphreys 1st Signal Brigade. I work in public affairs and manage the information that flows to the general public as well as photograph our team and surrounding areas.
The seven photos shown were taken in South Korea by myself and my team. The mental health of soldiers is one of the most vital parts of keeping our team ready at all times.

I am an United Sates army veteran, I served from 1980 til 2010. I was deployed all over the world including Iraq and Afghanistan where I served active duty for 16 months.

I served in the United States Air-Force from 1997-2002. The prevalence of depression in the military is around three times higher than the general population. This may stem from military life involving significant stressors like deployment, combat, and relocation.
The soldiers painted black represents those struggling with depression. This higher likelihood of depression does not end when discharged and affects Veterans. It also affects the families of active duty military due to the stressors associated with separation from one's spouse and increased parenting demands.

I am a veteran of the U.S. Army. I believe that it is a spiritual and creative life journey, art is, for me to strengthen thoughts, personal and emotional, and heart that enables my present as a human-being on Earth to encourage life challenges with firm and commitment in visual expression on canvas, paper, and any surfaces. It is goodness and meekness of my heart to share my art with one another in communities.

I served in the Marine Corps from 2006-2016. The piece I am presenting is Batman. He is a hero that typically operates alone and will almost never ask for help. Batman's character represents isolation which is what a lot of veterans go through while adapting to their civilian lifestyle. Batman is also unable to care for himself because of his duty to care for everyone else that is experiencing trouble, which is another quality service members often share. Batman's love for the dark and mainly operating at night represents the insomnia many prior service members go through.
Valor means continuing to fight even after our time in service is over. We can now fight for those service members going through hardships that they cannot successfully navigate through on their own.

I joined the Army in 1966, one of the ten thousand troops deployed on December 13, 1967 to Vietnam. I was assigned as an infantry medic 101st airborne division. Before arriving in Vietnam we received a little book that made it sound like we were going on vacation. That is why I wanted to do a travel poster.
My painting was to honor two of my fellow medics KIA in 1st/501st Infantry, 101st Airborne Division. Gregory Evans and William McConnell also known as Old Man McConnell, named because we were all 17 to 20 years old and the Old Man was 26.
To me, valor means was when a person weighs out the consequences of their actions to themselves and others around them. Then and only then do they take an action that might risk their lives and the lives of others that their actions might put in harms way.

I am the mother of three United States Air-Force veterans from 1997-2020. I raised my children to be independent and to fight for the underdog. My three older children joined the military to serve their country and knew the military would stand by them as they grew and learned how to be representative of our country. I am very proud of them.

I was deployed into Vietnam with the United States Airforce from 1964 til 1968. I spent the days receiving money and other cargo and bringing it back to base, and at night I loaded the planes and kept eyes on the radar. Throughout my time in Vietnam I learned that valor is pride, pride in what you do, it is a responsibility for your base and for your country.

I was enlisted in the United States Marines from 1980 til 2000, throughout my time I became a major and was deployed all over the world. I believe that valor is having the courage to honor your commitment, and to do what you without hesitation or question.

I Joined the United States Navy in 2005, I was active duty until 2017 and I am now in reserve. My painting is in memoriam of my good friend Trevor Searcy. We met in 2009 when we were both deployed to Southern Iraq and Kuwait with the 25 15th naval air ambulance detachment search and rescue corpsman and hospital formam. We were responsible for medivac's going in and out of Iraq and Kuwait. A team of five of us bonded and grew extremely close during out time there, one of those being Trevor. Trevor was always positive and uplifting and made everyone around him feel comforted in times of hardship.
What does valor mean to me? It is difficult to put such a complex Idea into a simple statement. There are so many acts of bravery. People going far above and beyond their comfort zone to make the world a better place. In some ways, simply signing up for the military could be seen as an act of bravery, we spent nearly 20 years in conflict and have been losing Sailors, Soldiers, Airmen and Marines frequently. Most recently though, valor has meant having the courage to look inward, to face one's own demons, to ask for help in doing so, talking about the things that we have been told no one should hear. Bearing the weight of mental health struggles alone, or with someone else, and to keep fighting to win that battle, that is valor.

I'm proud of my father Vincent Charlie Olivere and his service for our country. He was in the United States Navy as an Aviation Machinist Mate Second Class USNR the Saga of the Bent Wing Birds. He was also presented of the Decoration on November 20, 1943 on Vella Lavella.

I am the Vice President of the Pat Nixon Republican Women Federated. I am an advocate for veterans and I am the chairwoman for caring for America. I created this piece in memory of the 58,479 brothers, sisters, sons, and daughters who never returned from Vietnam. I believe we should all hold a deep appreciation for those who fight for us and we should advocate for them to have anything they need.

I joined the United States Army in 1964 and when I was deployed I was in the 1st cavalry division air mobile. I was in the first helicopter large scale air assault in Vietnam. I received a Purple Heart and went on to share my story with people all over the United States. Sharing my story led me to receiving an Emmy for Vietnam speaks military special, sharing living history. While in Vietnam I was in charge of General Hal Moore's radio which is why I depicted a radio man in my painting. To me, valor has always meant reality. Seeing the world and seeing what is truly real and deciding to fight without any fear and without second guessing.

My painting was inspired by, Iwo Jima, this was the raising of the American flag on the volcano that inspired US troops to persevere and eventually overcome a significant challenge. To me valor means the willingness to not give up despite adversity & human natures fear. Anything is possible, anything.