The weather vane was built in Philadelphia by Joseph Rakestraw, in 1787 at General George Washington's request. After nine long years of war, General Washington wanted the weather vane to crown Mt. Vernon's cupola. He determined that the Dove of Peace design should have an olive branch in its beak. This is a replica of that weather vane.

The Nixon Environmental Legacy
As a boy, Richard Nixon played on and explored this very land right here. President Nixon transformed America's commitment to preserving and protecting America's natural environment.
Take a moment to consider how you can expand President Nixon's landmark efforts to achieve the "goal of clean air, clean water, and open spaces for the future generations of America."
- The President and First Lady relaxing together in San Clemente, California.
Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum (WHPO 5488-33)
The President and the Planet: The Environmental Legacy of Richard Nixon
Dedicated December 2, 2020
by the Richard Nixon Foundation to permanently commemorate the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency on its 50th Anniversary
With thanks to the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation for its financial support of this exhibition.
With thanks to our exhibit partners:
The National Archives and Records Administration
The Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum Docent Guild
Design and Construction:
Bob Bostock, Cliff Cramp, Trevor O'Tool, Ron Pekar, Kevin Staniec

Wooly Hedgenette
- This plant is easy to grow, and even more fun to touch
- This is a perennial herb
- Lamb's Ear is covered with silky, smooth hairs, like that of an adorable baby lamb
- It makes a handsome border to any walkway or flower bed
- It likes hot and dry conditions, but with some partial shade
This plant was an original Richard Nixon Library and Birthplace plant in 1990, when the library opened.

The Nixon's loved the great outdoors. Their many happy memories of time spent enjoying nature inspired the creation of the Legacy of Parks program, an innovative initiative that converted closed federal lands to public use. More than 80,000 acres were transformed into 642 new parks across the United Stats for the public to enjoy.
First Lady Pat Nixon traveled the country to promote this program, the most ambitious put forward by any president to create beautiful new parks for the American people.
Artwork by Cliff Cramp

On June 12, 1971 Tricia Nixon and Edward Finch Cox were married in the White House Rose Garden. This gazebo was made especially for the ceremony by the National Park Service.

A gift of Bob and Delores Hope



Incorporated 1967
Birthplace of Richard Nixon
37th President of the United States
The land on which this institution stands was purchased by the City of Yorba Linda on behalf of the people of this city, and donated to the Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace Foundation.
This Gift is in proud recognition that Richard Nixon, 37th President of the United States, was born in Yorba Linda on January 9, 1913.
Let this Library and Birthplace stand as a shining example to the youth of this nation that one may come from humble beginnings and aspire to the Presidency of the United States.

Dedicated June 16, 2012 in thanks to Marjorie P. Acker for her years of service to Richard Nixon

Richard M. Nixon, the only native Californian elected to the Presidency of the United States of America, strongly believed in serving his community. His membership in the Native Sons of the Golden West reflected a lifelong devotion to public service that began as a young and innovative Congressman who became the President that changed the world.
"A man who has never lost himself in a cause bigger than himself has missed one of life's mountaintop experiences"
Dedicated on May 31, 2010
Native Sons of the Golden West

Certified Wildlife Habitat
This property is recognized for its commitment to sustainably provide essential elements of wildlife habitat: food, water, cover and places to raise young

- Just Past Noon

This tree is from a cutting that Pat Nixon brought from the White House Magnolia tree. It was planted at the Western White House in San Clemente, then brought to the Nixon Library, when the gardens were established. It had to be moved with the building of the East Room. [eatlife.net/nixon-library/east-room-replica.php] After several years, we now have this beautiful tree standing proud