Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace
Yorba Linda, CA
Richard Nixon 1913 - 1994
The Greatest Honor History can Bestow is the Title of Peacemaker
The Greatest Honor History can Bestow is the Title of Peacemaker
Updated October 2024
Posted January 2024

FUNERALApril 22, 1994
Richard Nixon died on April 22, 1994, less than a year after his beloved Pat.
He lay in repose in the lobby here at the Richard Nixon Library and Birthplace where an estimated 55,000 mourners waited for hours in an unseasonable rain and hail for a chance to pay their respects.
All five living Presidents and their wives were in attendance at the funeral, as well as some 4,000 invited friends, colleagues, proteges, and citizens. The Reverend Billy Graham officiated. The former President was eulogized by California Governor Pete Wilson, Senator Bob Dole, Dr. Henry Kissinger, and then-President Bill Clinton. Richard Nixon was buried next to his wife of 53 years.

Mourners by the Thousands
- At President Nixon's funeral, mourners by the thousands lined up around the block and left letters, flowers, and other mementos as they paid their respects.
May the day of judging President Nixon on anything less than his entire life and career come to a close. May we heed his call to maintain the will and the wisdom to build on America's greatest gift, its freedom, to lead a world full of difficulty to the just and lasting peace he dreamed of. -President Bill Clinton, April 27, 1994

The Nixon Family

Bob Dole
- Senator Bob Dole returns to his seat after delivering a eulogy at former President Nixon's funeral.
I believe the second half of the 20th century will be known as the age of Nixon... no one knew the world better than Richard Nixon. And as a result, the man who was born in a house his father built would go on to become this century's greatest architect of peace.- Senator Bob Dole, April 27, 1994

Pat and Richard Grave Site

Patricia Ryan Nixon
1912 - 1993
Even when people can't speak your language, they can tell if you have love in your heart
1912 - 1993
Even when people can't speak your language, they can tell if you have love in your heart

Richard Nixon
1913 - 1994
The greatest honor history can bestow is the title of peacemaker
1913 - 1994
The greatest honor history can bestow is the title of peacemaker