- Marti

- Lena

- Anna

- Nabs

- Brown Eyes

- Cara

- Tina

- Gina

- Rats

- Donna

- Jeanie

- Frankie

- Butter

- Lilly

- Legs

- Kay

- Duchess

- Marge

- Judy

- Mickey

- Kitty

- Paula

- Gina

- Roxie

1918 - 1953
A jewel in the crown of Southern Californias elite entertainers, young Diane DiPola made musical magic first as an organ grinder, but took up the accordion in protest of the way her colleagues treated their monkeys. In just two years this graciously proportioned brunette went from busker to "Belle of the Valleys," playing regularly on the radio and at night-clubs, banquet halls, and - every Friday night - Buca di Beppo, where she performed Italian folk songs, polka standards, and Latin-themed favorites under an exclusive contract.
Diane was twice honored in 1944 - first as president of the East Los Angeles Accordion Club, then with an invitation from the President of the United States. Having heard Diane play on the campaign trail, Franklin Delano Roosevelt summoned her to Yalta, where she performed for Churchill and Stalin. As General Marshall reported, even the Russian Bear teared up when she launched into a sentimental version of the "Volga Boat Song".
The darling of the diplomatic corps - and a new favorite with the servicemen - Diane couldn't resist when the USO came calling, and was soon off to the South Pacific, where, during the waning days of World War II, she opened for acts including Bob Hope and Danny Kaye. Upon her triumphant return to Los Angeles, the now-internationally known accordionist resumed her exclusive engagement at Buca di Beppo. Among her devotees: General Marshall, John Foster Dulles and Vivian Vance.
When the Korean Conflict broke out, Diane returned to the USO circuit, this time as a headliner. Local veterans recall that no one loved her more than the hometown boys and the Italian American brigades - but when the tragedy of war struck, not even they could protect her.
Three days before her scheduled return to the City of Angels, a winch snapped and Dick Continos steamer trunk fell on Diane, throwing her into the path of an MP and his guard dog. The startled animal attacked, and by the time soldiers pulled it off her, Miss DiPola had sustained a head injury and severe bite wounds. At the behest of General Marshall - who rushed to her bedside - the comatose entertainer was flown to a Tokyo military hospital. Seventeen months later, despite round-the-clock sulfa treatments and the prayers of a nation, Diane DiPola succumbed to infection.
During the course of her hospitalization, visitors reported that Diane's wrists flexed occasionally and her remaining fingers often moved, as though she were trying to play her accordion. One nurse — a pianist - swore she saw Diane tap out "Lady of Spain". It was either that or the "Tarantella".

Legendary promoter Billy Wolfe discovered Gina Bouza after the Kansas City Star ran a story about a 19-year-old female stockyard worker who could slaughter a cow by "but then go faster" straddling its neck and clenching her thighs. "It started on a dare," she explaine I discovered it made the lin "but then go faster." cs ing 205 pounds, Bouza defended her title as Standin; Bronco" often as three times a week, taking on all comers, includit the fearsome Mildred Burke, Susan "Angel of Death" Themelis, and Grosse nte, Michigan's Betty "The Yeti" Zoska. Standing and we Bronco" But while she traded titles with her sisters in the ring, Gina reigned supreme as professional wrestling's greatest crowd age matches, pleaser. The queen of cage the mistress of mud bouts, and the most feared hurler of midgets in the history of the sport, she out-earned most male wrestlers, encouraged girls everywhere to take take to encouraged girls everywhere to 193. 1957 the mat, and raised hundreds of dollars for charity. Gina reached her peak of popularity, perhaps when Sal Mineo asked hr out after Les led Quebec's Gisclle in a vat of herring, live on Arthy Godfrey's Talent Scouts. "g Les Capitalizing on her increasing popula Gina embraced opportunities to raise money for charity, so when Buca di Beppo co-hosted a Knights of Columbus fund-raiser on Saturday, August 17, 1957, she graciously agreed to participate. That same week, the Belle Isle Zoo was planning to remove from public view its well losed now toothless old baboon, Bungles, and wrestling promoter Joey DelCampo arranged a Battle Royal. As a prelude, Gina posed for photographs and calf-roped St. Clair Shores Lincoln-Mercury's. mascot, "Squidgy, The Value Midget." Then, with zookeeper in tow, Bungles rode his red tricycle up to the ring and took a seat in the comer where a banana had been left for him. Gina entered next, 'he Southeast n High School marching band tuc!. up the "ational Anthem, and Bungles self on his startled opponent. -wucuces heard her cry, "Foul!" the instant baboon snapped Gina's neck, picked her up, and threw her out of the ring. It was a tragic, horrible miscalculation on the part of the promoter. "Who knew?" cried DelCampo as police took aim at Bungles, now furiously gumming the ropes. "Who knew?" If we have anything to say about it, an entire nation will come to know - about Gina "Bronco" Bouza's selfless devotion to charity. About her dedication to the sport of ladies' professional wrestling. And about monkeys' inherent advantages over people in speed, agility, reflexes, hammer locks and airplane spins.

(Must be read with an Italian Accent)
One day ima gonna Malta to bigga hotel. Ina morning I go down to eat breakfast. I tella waitress I wanna two pissis toast. She brings me only one piss. I tella her want two piss. She say go to the toilet. I say you no understand, I wanna to piss onna my plate. She sav vou better no piss onna plate, vou sonna ma bitch. I don' even know the lady and she call me sonna ma bitch.
Later I go to eat at the bigga restaurant. The waitress brings me a spoon and knife but no fock. I tella her I wanna fock. She tell me everyone wanna lock. I tell her you no understand. I wanna fock on the table. She say you better not fock on the table, you sonna ma bitch. So I go back to my room inna hotel and there is no shits onna my bed. Call the manager and tella him I wanna shit. He tell me to go the toilet. I say you no understand. I wanna shit on my bed. He say you better not shit onna bed you sonna ma bitch.
A go to the checkout and the man at the desk say: "Peace on you". I say piss ou you too, yo sonne ma bitch, I gonna back to taly.