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Clio is your guide to the history and culture around you. We have 37525 historical entries from all across the country and 1494 walking tours, virtual tours of museums, heritage trails, and other curated experiences authored by hundreds of organizations.

Clio is an educational website and mobile application that guides the public to thousands of historical and cultural sites throughout the United States. Built by scholars for public benefit, each entry includes a concise summary and useful information about a historical site, museum, monument, landmark, or other site of cultural or historical significance. In addition, "time capsule" entries allow users to learn about historical events that occurred around them. Each entry offers turn-by-turn directions as well as links to relevant books, articles, videos, primary sources, and credible websites.

Clio offers a compelling intellectual challenge as professional historians work with local history experts to create and vet entries in an open digital environment. Ambitious in scope, Clio allows scholars and their students to publish humanities scholarship using an innovative digital format that will instantly reach a broad audience in ways that cannot be replicated by traditional forms of publishing. We believe that there is something powerful that occurs when our sense of the past connects with our sense of place. We hope that you will use Clio to connect with the history and culture that surrounds you.

What is Clio?
Named after the ancient Greek muse of history, Clio puts history at your fingertips. Similar to locator ‘apps’ that help you find a nearby restaurant or repair shop, Clio picks up your present location and guides you to landmarks, museums, and historic and cultural sites. It also acts as a virtual time machine, allowing a user to see images and videos and hear and read about historic events that happened around them.

Clio is a website and mobile application, but it is also something more-- a collaborative research, interpretation, and map-building project. Entries are created by museum professionals, local historians, and scholars with their students. Each day, this partnership of local history experts and professional historians is building a comprehensive, dynamic, and interactive map that connects thousands of people to nearby history each day.

How does Clio Work?
Clio picks up a user’s location and shows them historical and cultural sites near them. Users can also perform their own searches by location or name. The mobile application was built to be user-friendly on a small screen. The full website has additional features that allow users to select a variety of filters to focus their results.

The Clio

Thanks The Clio!
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