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Cobram Estate Citings on Eat Life:

We Pour our Hearts into our Craft
For the Ones who are doing Exactly the Same.

We Were Founded by Two Farmers
Rob and Paul met in agriculture college and bonded over a mutual obsession: to bring really terrific olive oil back to the people. And to do it, they use revolutionary practices on New World soil in California and Australia.

This is how we do it.

Perfect Harvest Seasons A Year

California & Australia
Groves on either hemisphere has its perks. For you, it means that every bottle contains the freshest olive oil naturally possible.

We Raise Them from Seedlings
In our very own nursery

Only the Good Survive

Then We Crush Them
Within hours of being picked from the tree, in fact.

Cobram EstateOur state-of-the-art bottling facilities ensure each and every drop is of the highest quality.

It' All Yours
As soon as our oil is bottled, we ship it off to a store near you.

Cobram Estate

Thanks Cobram Estate!
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