Agriculture is not just moving dirt and waiting for crops to sprout. If you enjoy animals, like working with crops, and want to contributes to the worldwide food supply, then there is no better time to start your career in agriculture!
Agronomy is the science and technology of producing and using plants for food, fuel, fiber. and land reclamation. Agronomists specialize in how to properly care for farmland and develop crops more resilient against the natural elements like insect infestations, and the unpredictable effects of climate all while preserving or improving the environment. They can specialize in crop rotation, irrigation and drainage, plant breeding, plant physiology, soil classification, soil fertility, weed control, and insect / pest control.
Agronomy opportunities often include:
- Crop Specialists
- Soil Scientists / Conversationalists
- Agriculture Scientists
- Plant Breeders / Geneticists
- Botanists / Horticulture Scientists
- Biochemists
- Agroecologists
- Soil Surveyors / Conservationists
- Farm Supply Representatives
Agriculture ScientistDid You Know?
An Agriculture Scientist develops ways to get the highest quality and quantity of agricultural products while having the least negative impact on the environment.
Food Sciences
It is one thing to grow crops and have livestock on a ranch, but it is another thing to turn those resources into food. Food Scientists improve food products for public consumption through researching the nature of foods and the causes of deterioration, as well as experimenting with combinations of raw ingredients and food processing techniques.
Food Science opportunities often include:
- Food Product Research and Development
- Quality Assurance / Quality Control
- Food Chemists and Microbiologists
- Food Manufacturers
- Bioinformatics Scientists
- Surveyors / Sensory Analysts
- Molecular Gastronomy
- Food Processing and Packaging
Food ScientistsDid You Know?
Food Scientists are responsible for creating the nutritional information on the back of our packaged food products.
Agriculture JobsDid You Know?
In the United States alone, there are over 50,000 jobs in agriculture and over 22 million Americans are involved in Agriculture related industries.
Agribusiness Management
Agribusiness is the business of agricultural production and includes
- agrochemicals
- breeding
- crop production (farming)
- distribution
- farm machinery
- processing
- seed supply
- marketing and retail sales.
Agribusiness Management opportunities often include:
- Owners/Managers of Farms or Ranches
- Businesses that support Farms / Ranches
- Agricultural Operations Managers
- Food Packers and Packagers
- Seed and Agrochemical Producers
- Heavy-Load/Tractor-Trailer Drivers
- Greenhouse Operators
- Beekeepers
BeekeepersDid You Know?
Commercial Beekeepers maintain beehives for proving polination services to fruit and crop farmers.
Agriculture Communications
Most everyone knows what an avocado and lemon are, but what makes a Haas different from a Quintal or a Meyer from a Eureka, and which is better?
How do farmers and consumers find out what is trending in the Agriculture Industry? Through agriculture communications.
An Agricultural communicator has a specialized level of knowledge in the complex enterprises of food, feed, fiber, renewable energy, natural resources manarement, and rural development (to name a few)
AR Communications opportunities often include:
- Print/Broadcast Journalists
- Market/Farm news reporters
- Agriculture Magazine and Newspaper Staff/Writers
- Press Spokespeople
- Public Relations Representatives
- Advertising Specialists
- Marketing Executives
- Marketing Communications Managers
- Sales/Account Managers
Agriculture DegreesDid You Know?
Most state collates opportunities and universities offer opportunities for undergraduate and graduate degrees within agriculture. Even if the school does not appear to offer specific degrees in agriculture, pursuing an advanced degree in science, business, or journalism could help you take coursework that would provide the same basic background required for a career in agriculture.
Soil/Crop ScientistsDid You Know?
- Soil Scientists study the physical and chemical properties of soil to help farmers develop planting strategies
- Crop scientists (similar to Soil Scientists) focus on crop yield and production
Agricultural Education
We need to have instructors and education specialists within the agriculture field that teach about agriculture, natural resources, and land management.
To train and prepare our future agriculture educators and workers. Typical classes taught by AG educators include:
- Horticulture
- Land Management
- Turf Grass Management
- Agricultural Sciences
- Small Animal Care
- Machine and Shop Classes
- Health and nutrition
- Livestock Management
- Biology
AG Education opportunities often include:
- College/University Instructors
- Education Specialists in:
- Forestry
- Horticulture
- Animal Science
- Agricultural Mechanics
- Other Similar Specialties
- Education Supervision
- Farm Managers
- Agricultural Inspectors
- Soil Conservationists
Agricultural InspectorDid You Know?
An Agricultural Inspector works for the state or federal government to enforce laws and regulations pertaining to agricultural establishments. They perform tasks like collecting samples from plants, animals, and products and explaining regulations to agricultural workers and business owners.
One HealthDid You Know?
DID YOU KNOW The US Department of Agriculture's One Health approach is the collaborative effort of the human health, veterinary health, and environmental health communities to achieve optimal health outcomes for both animals and people. Alter all, the health of animals, people, and tha environment are connected.
Agriculture Economics
Agriculture economics began as a branch of economics specifically dealing with land usage and focusing on maximizing crop yield while maintaining a good soil ecosystem.
The scope has expanded so much that someone working in agriculture economy in the 20th century may deal with everything from
- Managing Pests
- Preventing Livestock Disease
- Determining land prices
- Improving Land Management
- Preventing Corrosion
- Predicting what Crops to Grow.
AG Economics opportunities often include
- Grain Brokers
- Farm and Land Appraisers
- Resource Economist Consultant
- Agriculture Policy Analyst
- Insurance Agents
- Food Distribution Managers
- Agricultural Lenders
AgroecologyDid You Know?
Agroecology is closely associated with work in the areas of sustainable agriculture, organic farming, and alternative food/cropping systems.
Agricultural Engineering
Crops and Farming are heavily dependent on machinery, buildings, water lines, and waste management.
We rely on the expert knowledge of agricultural engineers to design and safety test machinery to keep our farm workers and our food supply safe, all while working toward the goal of improving tho efficiency and sustainability of agricultural practices.
AG Engineering opportunities often include
- Structural Engineers
- Irrigation Engineers
- Sanitary/Waste Handlers
- Food Engineers
- Bioprocessing/Bioresource Engineers
- Machine Design Engineers
- Environmental Engineers
- Soil Management & Land Conservationists
- Water Quality Specialists
Environmental EngineersDid You Know?
Environmental Engineers help farm owners and the environment by combining principles from different science fields to create systems that aim to prevent future damages like soil erosion, deforestation, and pollution.
Horti and AgriDid You Know?
Horticulture and Agriculture are related fields. The Latin roots "horti" and "agri" mean garden, and land, respectively. Horticulture is much more than just a fancy word for gardening. Horticulturists focus their skills and experience on growing and selling fruits, vegetables, flowers, and decorative plants.
Animal Sciences
If you have a passion for livestock like pigs, cattle, sheep, poultry, or horses, then a career in animal sciences (animal husbandry) is perfect for you.
Animal scientists work to improve breeding practices and prevent disease. They also collaborate with food scientists to develop better, more efficient ways af producing, processing, and preserving meat, poultry, eggs and milk products.
Animal Science opportunities often include
- Livestock Production Management
- Livestock Procurement & Insurance Reps
- Veterinarians
- Farm/Stable Managers
- Ranch/Farm Workers and Laborers
- Animal Scientists/Geneticists
- Animal Breeders
animal geneticistsDid You Know?
By studying the genetic makeup of animals, animal geneticists can crossbread different species to create a new bread (or hybrid) of animals that are much more resilient since they are a combination of the most desirable characteristics found in the species they were made from. This may help prevent genetic disorders and increase endangered animals' chance for survival.
US Department of Agriculture Careers:
USDA seeks to attract, motivate, develop, retain, and reward the best and brightest people by providing a great benefits and services program.
Health and Well-being
- Federal Employee Insurance Programs - Federal employee insurance programs provide health, life, and long term care insurance benefits to the families of Federal employees.
- Operating Status - View USDA's Operating Status, Employee Information Line, and other resources.
- TARGET Center - The TARGET Center conducts needs assessments and technology demonstrations of assistive technologies and ergonomic solutions to aid employees in their work environment.
Work-life and Career Enhancement
- Office of Personnel Management - The Office of Personnel Management provides valuable employment, pay and performance, and leadership and individual development information for current Federal employees and those looking to work for the Federal Government.
- USDA Hotline - The USDA Hotline was created to allow people the opportunity to report violations of laws and regulations that relate to USDA programs.
- USDA Work Life Program - The USDA Work Life Program assists employees in finding information on various programs, services, and benefits that USDA offers, such as childcare centers, nursing mothers, telework, and wellness programs.
- USDA Employee Assistance Program - The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is in place to help you when the pressures of work, home life, or other stressors become overwhelming. EAP services are open to all USDA employees.
Education and Leisure
- USA Graduate School - The USA Graduate School offers career-related and continuing education courses to professionals and federal, state, and local employees throughout the country.
- USDA Employee Services and Recreation Association (ESRA) - The Employee Services & Recreation Association is one of the largest employee associations of its kind in the country. ESRA provides a variety of services and programs to over 120,000 USDA employees nationwide.
- Agriculture Learning Service (AgLearn) - The Department's system for employee training and managing training records. Search, access, enroll in, and record all training opportunities for both online and instructor-led training.
Fast Facts on Careers in Agriculture
- More than 200 career options in research, production, processing, and distribution
- 57,000 new jobs in agriculture-related fields created annually
- 21 million people employed in agriculture-related fields
- USDA has more than two dozen agencies and offices with nearly 100,000 employees who serve the American people at more than 4,500 locations across the U.S. and abroad
Career Profiles:
The AgCareers.com Career Profiles were created as a resource to increase learning and understanding around the great variety of opportunities in agriculture and food. To browse our more than 250 Career Profiles, select a pathway of interest to you. Then locate a Career Profile title you would like to read more about. Each Career Profile contains an overview, job responsibilities, required education, recommended high school courses, potential employers, job outlook, and professional organizations to join.
- Agricultural Business Pathway
- Agricultural Mechanics Pathway
- Animal Science Pathway
- Environmental Services Pathway
- Food Science Pathway
- Natural Resources Pathway
- Plant Science Pathway
Education Profiles:
- Accounting
- AG Diesel Mechanics
- Agribusiness
- Agricultural & Life Sciences Education
- Agricultural Biochemistry
- Agricultural Communication & Journalism
- Agricultural Economics
- Agricultural Engineering
- Agricultural Law & Policy
- Agricultural Studies
- Agricultural Systems Technology
- Agronomy
- Animal Ecology
- Animal Nutrition
- Animal Science
- Aquaculture
- Aviation
- Beef Science
- Biological / Biomedical Engineering
- Biology
- Biotechnology
- Business Administration
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry
- Civil Engineering
- Community & Environmental Sociology
- Companion Animal Science
- Computer Science
- Construction Management
- Culinary Food Science
- Dairy Science
- Diet & Exercise
- Electrical Engineering
- Entomology
- Environmental & Natural Resources Engineering
- Environmental Science
- Equine Science
- Event Management
- Family, Youth, & Community Services
- Feed Science
- Finance
- Fire Science
- Food Science & Industry
- Forestry
- Genetics
- Geology & Geophysics
- Global Resource Systems
- Graphic Design
- Heavy Equipment & Transport Technology
- Horticulture
- Human Resources
- HVAC / Industrial Equipment Technologies
- Hydrology
- Industrial Engineering
- International Agriculture
- Irrigation Systems
- Landscape Architecture
- Livestock Production
- Management Information Systems
- Marketing
- Meat Science
- Mechanical Engineering
- Meteorology
- Microbiology
- Natural Resource Management
- Packaging Science
- Physical Therapy
- Plant Pathology
- Plant Science
- Political Science
- Poultry Science
- Precision Agriculture
- Seed Science
- Sheep Science
- Spatial Science
- Statistics
- Supply Chain Management
- Sustainable Parks, Recreation & Tourism
- Swine Science
- Toxicology
- Turfgrass Science
- Veterinary Medicine
- Veterinary Technology
- Viticulture & Enology
- Welding
- Wildlife & Outdoor Enterprise Management
- Zoology
2021 Top Leading Crops
UNITED STATES: 2021 TOP LEADING CROPS: $712,022,000 Strawberries $252,708,000 Lemons $213,939,000 Nursery Stock $168,712,000 Raspberries $125,839,000 Avocados $113,358,000 Celery $45,028,000 Blueberries $41,515,000 Peppers $39,664,000 Blackberries $35,145,000 Cabbage
Number of Exports
UNITED STATES: 2021 NUMBER OF EXPORTS: 4,934 Canada 1,760 Japan 617 Republic of Korea 492 Taiwan 348 Saudi Arabia 341 Netherlands 323 Kuwait 300 Mexico 289 Chili 246 United Arab Emirates