Santa Paula Beekeepers Assoc
Helping People Help Bees
Updated October 2024
Posted September 2022

Backyard Bees of North America
- Green Sweat Bee Agapostemon
- Green Sweat Bee Augochlorella
- Sweat Bee Halictus
- Mining Bee Andrena
- Mining Bee Calliopsis
- Minning Bee Calliopsis
- Minning Bee Calliopsis
- Minning Bee Andrena
- Minning Bee Andrena
- Green Sweat Bee Agapostemon
- Green Sweat Bee Agapostemon
- Sweat Bee Halictus
- Sweat Bee Halictus
- Minning Bee Andrena
- Minning Bee Andrena
- Minning Bee Andrena
- Minning Bee Andrena
- Minning Bee Macrotera
- Minning Bee Macrotera
- Alkali Sweat Bee Nomia
- Sweat Bee Halictus
- Nocturnal Sweat Bee Lagioglossum (sphecodogastra)
- Sweat Bee Lagioglossum (dialictus)
- Sweat Bee Conanthalictus
- Sweat Bee Lagioglossum (dialictus)
- Sweat Bee Lagioglossum (dialictus)
- Mining Bee Protoxaea
- Mining Bee Pseudopanurgus
- Mining Bee Protandrena
- Mining Bee Perdita
- Mining Bee Perdita
- Mining Bee Perdita
- Mining Bee Perdita
- Alkali Sweat Bee Nomia
- Sweat Bee Lasioglossum (lasioglossum)
- Mining Bee Protandrena
- Mining Bee Protandrena
- Mining Bee Perdita
- Mining Bee Perdita
- Mining Bee Perdita
- Mining Bee Perdita
- Mining Bee Perdita
- Mining Bee Perdita Minima (smallest beee in North America)
- Bumble Bee Bombus
- Squash Bee Peponapis
- Squash Bee Xenoglossa
- Digger Bee Centris
- Bumble Bee Bombus
- Bumble Bee Bombus
- Bumble Bee Bombus
- Squash Bee Peponapis
- Digger Bee Anthrophora
- Long Horned Bee
- Carpenter Bee Xylocopa
- Carpenter Bee Xylocopa
- Long-horned Bee Svastra
- Small Carpenter Bee Ceratina
- Small Carpenter Bee Ceratina
- Small Carpenter Bee Ceratina
- Long Horned Bee Melissodes
- Long Horned Bee Melissodes
- Bumble Bee Bombus
- Digger Bee Anthrophora
- Digger Bee Anthrophora
- Digger Bee Anthrophora
- European Honey Bee Apis mellifera
- Long Horned Bee Melissodes
- Long Horned Bee Melissodes
- Cuckoo Bee Nomada
- Cuckoo Bee Nomada
- Digger Bee
- Digger Bee Anthophorini
- Digger Bee Anthophorini
- Digger Bee Anthophorini
- Digger Bee Anthophorini
- Polyester Bee Colletes
- Polyester Bee Colletes
- European Honey Bee Apis mellifera
- Polyester Bee Colletes
- Long Horned Bee Melissodes
- Long Horned Bee Melissodes
- Mellow Bee Diadasia
- Mellow Bee Diadasia
- Cuckoo Bee Nomada
- Cuckoo Bee
- Cuckoo Bee
- Cuckoo Bee
- Cuckoo Bee
- Cuckoo Bee
- Digger Bee
- Polyester Bee Colletes
- Polyester Bee Colletes
- Resin Bee
- Leaf Cutter Bee Megachilidae
- Masked Bee Hyleaus
- Masked Bee Hyleaus
- Leaf Cutter Bee Anthophila
- Leaf Cutter Bee Anthophila
- Cactus Bee Diadasia
- Mason Bee Osmia
- Cuckoo Bee
- Cuckoo Bee
- Cuckoo Bee
- Cuckoo Bee
- Cuckoo Bee
- Cuckoo Bee
- European Wool Carder Bee Anthidium Manicatum
- Wool Carder Bee
- Mason Bee
- Leaf Cutter Bee Megachilidae
- Mason Bee Osmia
- Mason Bee Osmia
- Mason Bee Osmia
- Mason Bee Osmia
- Cuckoo Bee
- Cuckoo Bee
- Miner Bee
- Miner Bee
- Cactus Bee
- Mason Bee
- Leaf Cutter Bee Megachilidae
- Leaf Cutter Bee Megachilidae
- Mason Bee Osmia
Did you know
- There are nearly 4,000 bee species in the United States
- A majority are found in the southwest deserts and along the California Coast
- Most species are solitary (they do not live in a hive)
- Roughly 70% of bee species nest in the ground in holes they evacuate themselves
- Some bees are generalist and will visit many different kinds of flowers
- Other bees are specialists, only visiting one or two types of flowers
- Wild Bees are great pollinators - For Example, in some orchards two Mason Bees can pollinate as much as 100 European Honey Bees
All species are reproduced at 5X their actual size