What happens when you are out walking at night and you drop your flashlight, and it breaks? Or when you want to experience firsthand the wonders of circuits!
Supplies needed: C or D battery, aluminum foil, and a small 7 watt light bulb.
- Step 1: Cut the aluminum foll into a rectangle 2 inches (5.08 centimeters) by 6 Inches (15.24 centimeters)
- Step 2: Fold the foil over until the piece is 6 Inches (15.24 centimeters) long and a 1/4 (.635 centimeters) of an inch wide
- Step 3: Connect one end of the battery to the bottom of the bulb, and connect the side of the bulb to the foil
- Step 4: Finally connect the foil to the other end of the battery
More Information
To build a circuit you need something to push electrons, a path for the electrons to go through, and something for the electrons to do.
In this situation the battery pushes the electrons, the aluminum foil and the light bulb carry the path, and the output of this whole process is the bulb being illuminated.
Electricity History
In 1709 the first electric light was made by the English scientist Francis Hawksbee! He removed the majority of air inside an empty glass ball then, he spun the ball on an axle with a crank and let it rub on his hand as the electric charge built.
And low and behold the first electric light bulb was created!