- Pins
- Hooks
- Back
- Hock
- Pastern
- Knee
- Cannon Bone

By Kylie Aguilar
What is Bloating
A form of indigestion marked by excessive accumulation of gas in the rumen. Distension of the left side of animal as the primary sign.
- The amount of intake of feed. (grasses, hay, etc.)
- Rate of digestion of cattle. (Depending on their digestive system)
- An inherited tendency for bloating. (could be brought down from cattle ancestry)
How to Fix
Cattle Trocar
- Last Rib
- Tips of transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae
- Paralumbar fossa
- Cord of the flank
Sum it all
Immediately after cattle consume a meal, the digestive process creates gases in the rumen.
Most of the gases are eliminated by eructation (belching). Any interruption of this normal gas accumulation or bloat.
In more severe bloat, the cattle's rumen is swollen (especially on the left side), it urinates and defecates frequently, bellows and staggers.
If the condition continues death is likely caused by suffocation, when swollen rumen pushes against the diaphragm and prevents inhalation.
In a few cases a trochar and cannula punched through the side into the rumen will relieve gassy bloat when stomach tube has not worked.

Santa Paula FFA

- A cow spends 13 hours a day laying down
- A cow spends 8 hours a day eating
- Cow gestation lasts the same amount of time as a human pregnancy - 9 months
- Cows drink the equivalent of a bathtub full of water each day
- Cows are red-green color blind
- It takes around 3,000 cows to supply the 22,000 footballs the NFL uses every season

- Chuck
- Rib
- Short Loin
- Sirloin
- Round
- Brisket
- Plate
- Flank
- Shank

- Preventative Care:
- Keeping your pen and area clean
- Washing twice a week
- Cleaning supplies
- How do they get it?
Ringworm is one of the most common skin diseases in cattle that can be caused by rain, rapid growth, and infection of the hair. - Symptoms
- Head and neck have dry patches that are 3cm
- Skin is moist and red
- May look dry, scaly, and grey
- Treatment
- Anti-fungal products such as MTG, anti-fungal shampoo, sprays, and cream
- One of the most common ways to treat ringworm properly is to scrape the patches until it bleeds, clean it up with a rag, spray with Anti-fungal foot spray, then apply toothpaste onto the patches of ringworm and repeat every morning and afternoon everyday. Once the ringworm has disappeared you then apply MTG which will help the hair grow back.

- Ribeye Steak
- Ribeye Roast
- Back Ribs
- Rib Roast
Short Loin
- T Bone Steak
- Porterhouse Steak
- Top Loin Steak
- Tenderloin Roast
- Sirloin Steak
- Top Sirloin Steak
- Tri Tip Roast
- Blade Roast
- 7 Bone Pot Roast
- Chuck Eye Roast
- Flat Iron Steak
- Short Ribs
- Shoulder Petite Tender
- Chuck Pot Roast
- Arm Pot Roast
- Tip Steak
- Bottom Round Roast
- Eye Round Steak
- Top Round Steak
- Boneless Rump Roast
- Tip Roast
- Bottom Round Steak
- Round Steak
- Eye Round Steak
Brisket & Fore Shank
- Brisket
- Shank Crosscut
Short Plate & Flank
- Skirt Steak
- Flank Steak

The problems in the industry
By Mia Carrillo
- 9.5 Billion
Dairy cows are up 4% and calf slaughters are down almost 60% - Steer issues in the AG industry
Fertilizer and vaccine aren't available - Steer issues in the AG industry
Vaccines are often on back order or not available to purchase - Steer issues in the AG industry
Feed shortage - Plant based meat sales have jumped in the passed years
- Challenges in the Beef Industry
Over the past three years, as their breeding herd last peaked in 2019 - Fertilizer and Vaccines have been affected by our supply chain challenges