Youth Expo
Updated October 2024
Posted August 2023

Our First Rabbit Litter
Doe (Rabbit Mama)
Our Doe was pregnant for 31 days. She successfully delivered five kits and they all made it. The Doe was always hungry so we
made sure she had plenty of food because we knew she was producing milk for her kits. At night or during the morning the doe mother would nurse them. She also would put her fur on
them to keep them warm. The doe would cover babies up with her fur until they grew all their own fur.
One Day Old
- The kits are only drinking mom's milk
- Their eyes are closed
- They are pink color and they have no fur
- Some of them have stripes and some have spots on their bodies
- A few days their fur started to grow in
- The kits fur grows a lot
- They start to look like cute little bunnies
- They sleep all the time and wake up to eat
- The kits eyes are still closed
- The Kits grew more fur
- Their eyes are now open!
- They are very alert and see every everything around them
- They are hopping around the nesting box
- Grooming themselves and each other
- They still sleep a lot
- Their food is still their mother's milk
- The Kits are out of the Nesting Box
- Hopping around outside in the grass but they stay close to their mom.
- We pick them up and hold them and they love it!
- They are starting to eat food such as Hay, Pallets, Romaine Lettuce, and Carrots.
- They still drink their Mother's milk
- They are still Growing!
- The kits are growing more fur on themselves
- Hopping around, staying close to together and their mom.
- They are very playful with each other and their mom.
- The Kits are continuing to drink their mother's milk and eating food - Hay, pellets, romaine lettuce and carrots
- The Kits are still growing bigger and so is their fur
- They are hopping, Jumping, and running around.
- They love to play! They also have a lot of energy!
- They knew me and my family and feel very comfortable being around us
- The Doe has stopped giving the kits their milk and they are continuing to eat the solid food.
- At this age the kits are now ready to go to their new home!
- They don't need to be with their mother and their mother wants her own space too.
- Three of the kits went to good loving homes.
- My family and I decided to keep the two little ones because we formed such a strong bond with them and we wanted to keep them forever. My two sisters kept Hazel who is a doe and I kept Harry who is Buck. They get along very well and live happily together