I started collecting bugs 2016, these are some of my favorites. My bugs are labeled with location and date collected. One of my favorites is the Blue Peruvian Butterfly.

I picked out these insects and arachnids because they are some of my favorites. Me and my family started collecting insects and arachnids in August of 2016. My favorite one of these is the Emperor Scorpion. We only label with where we found them and when.

What is this collection?
This collection consists of Taxidermy insects that are either pinned in place on styrofoam backgrounds, or glued in place in art installations.
When did vou start this collection?
I started this collection in 2014 after a trip to the Natural History Museum's annual Bug Fair.
I have always enjoyed the variety that can be found in nature, as can be seen here.
What is your favorite piece in this collection?
My favorite specimen in this collection is the Titanus Giganteus, AKA the "Titan Beetle".
Titans of this size are quite rare, and hard to obtain.
Their formidable mandibles are capable of breaking a pencil in half, but are mostly used for defending themselves from predators.
Once a Titan Beetle reaches adulthood (like the one seen here), it does not feed, and instead spends it's time searching for mates.

Our animal neighbors in Ventura County include more than three thousand species of insects and other arthropods. While a small percentage of insects are considered bad, most are good or benign. Birds, bats, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and mammals all eat insects. Many insects pollinate the plants we love and the food we eat. We depend on them!
Insect populations are in significant decline. Habitat loss, drought, and the overuse of herbicides and pesticides threaten insects. Help insects survive climate change by creating native plant habitats, and protect those plantings from pesticides to help bees and other insects survive.

All of these Insects and Arachnids were collected within 20 miles of Ojai
- Dobsonflies
- Antlions
- Owl Fly
- Snake Fly
- Lacewings
- Big Red Skimmer
- Darner
- Dragon Flies
- Blue Dasher
- Rubyspot Dameselfly
- Dancer Dameselfly
- Caddisflies
- Jerusalem Cricket
- Gray Bird Grasshopper
- Cricket
- Katydids
- Praying Mantiss
- Grasshoppers
- Cochroaches
- Earwigs
- Emblids
- Fleas
- Prionus Longhorn
- Eucalyptus Longhorns
- Longhorn Beetles
- Thysanura
- Silverfish
- Green Fruit Beetle
- June Beetles
- Ten-
- Buprestid Beetles
- Stink Beetles
- Ironclad Beetles
- Red Bark Beetle
- Blue Milkweed Beetles
- Burymig Beetles
- Wooly Darkling
- Cucumber Beetle
- Glowworms
- Ground Beetles
- Checkered Beetles
- Water Beetles
- Weevils
- Clicky Beetles
- Leatherwing
- Borers
- Lady Beetles

- Bee Flies
- Syrphid Flies
- Louse Flies
- Flesh Fly
- Techinid Flies
- Crane Fly
- Horse Flies
- Drone Fly
- Green Bottle Fly
- House Fly
- Robber Fly
- Cactus Fly
- Cicadas
- Termites
- Bordered Plant Bug
- Kissing Bug
- Milkweed Bugs
- Water Strider
- Leaf-footed Bug
- Black Swimmer
- Bee Assassin
- Green Stink Bug
- Trantula
- Scorpions
- Tick
- Orange Tips
- Common White
- Cabbage Butterfly
- Pale Swallowtail
- Western Tiger Swallowtail
- California Dogface
- Skippers
- Senna Sulfurs
- Giant Swallowtail
- Anise Swallowtail
- Nicippe Yellow
- Barred Sulphur
- Red Admiral
- Painted Lady
- Monarch
- California Kinglet
- Blues
- Hairstreaks

- Pero Moths
- False Underwings
- Ceanothus Moth
- Hewlett's Tiger Moth
- Mexican Tiger Mother
- Brown Ctenuchua
- Painted Arachnis
- Walnut Underwing
- Edward's Tiger Moth
- European Underwing
- Vestal Tiger Moth
- Spotted Datana
- February Owlet
- Bumblebee Sphinx
- Elegant Sphinx
- Chocolate Looper
- Carpenter Moth
- White-lined Sphinx
- Moths