Youth Expo
Updated October 2024
Posted August 2023

My Velveteen Lop and Her Young
Preparing for birth
- About 2-4 days before a mother is due, give a nesting box and plenty of hay
- I'd check in with her daily to make sure she has everything she needs
- A mother's gestation can be between 28-31 days
First Born
- A Velveteen Lop litter can be 12 or more kits.
- Make sure the mother has enough food and water to nurse. The mother will feed them up to three times a day.
- The kits will not have any fur for 2-3 days.
- Their eyes will no open till at least 10 days.
2 Weeks Old
- After 2 or 3 weeks they'll start to jump out of their nesting box. You can then take out the nesting box 3 days after they do.
- The kits will start to be a lot more active.
- If you ever use a dog kennel for your rabbit, you want to put chicken wire around the cage and the kits will not escape.
- They'll start to eat hay and food pellets.
4 Weeks Old
- The kit's size has changed a lot since they've been born.
- They'll be much more active and eat and drink a lot.
6-8 Weeks Old
- They are ready to be weaned from their mom.