That’s when Steve Henson and his wife, Gayle, purchased 120 acres of sprawling land nestled in the mountains outside of Santa Barbara, California, and started a dude ranch. Over the years, Steve had been perfecting his signature salad dressing, a tangy blend of buttermilk, savory herbs and spices. His ranch guests couldn’t get enough of the stuff, and Hidden Valley Ranch dressing was invented.It wasn’t long before guests were hounding Steve for jars of his ranch dressing to bring home. Word spread quickly, and pretty soon Steve was sending little packets of his original ranch all over the country. Eventually, we purchased the mail-order business so we could bring that bold, tangy flavor to even more ranch-loving fans.
Hidden ValleyYes, Hidden Valley Ranch was real
Hidden Valley Original Ranch dressing was developed in the late 1950s by real ranchers, Steve and Gayle Henson. The Hidden Valley Guest Ranch is located near Santa Barbara in California and was favored by visitors who wanted to enjoy the natural surroundings.FROM THE RANCH TO THE WORLD
It’s safe to say that the world’s love of ranch has earned Hidden Valley Ranch — HVR for short — a place in popular culture. Now, people across the country proudly dip and dunk their wings and fries in creamy ranch, or drizzle it over burgers and pizza. They rub savory ranch seasoning onto roasts, stir it into stews, bake it into casseroles and shake it over popcorn. Some passionate fans take it to the next level, buying it by the keg or setting up ranch fountains at weddings, and sharing their love of ranch on social media like never before.RANCH LOVERS, WE SALUTE YOU
Today, Hidden Valley is more than America’s favorite ranch dressing. It’s a way of life. A proud, zesty stake in the ground that proclaims you can never take your love of deliciousness too far. And we wouldn’t have it any other way. Thank you, HVR lovers!Hidden Valley Ranch. You either love it, or you really love it.
Hidden ValleyPart of The Clorox Company
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