Miscellaneous WWII
Updated October 2024
Posted December 2023

World War 2 Firearms
- Russian Mosin Nagant M1944
- British Number 4 Mark 1.308 Bolt Action Rifle
- 1917 DWM German Luger Artillery with Stock and Holster
- German 1934 Mauser Luger with Holster
- German 1914 DWM Luger Bring back

Nazi Saboteur Walther PPK and Mauser M-193 Pistols
These pistols, as well as an explosives detonator, were displayed in the office of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover after they were confiscated from a saboteur team, until Hoover's death.
These pistols, as well as an explosives detonator, were displayed in the office of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover after they were confiscated from a saboteur team, until Hoover's death.

Browning Hi-Power 9mm
1940-1945 This gun is based on a design by American firearm designer John Browning, but was manufactured in Belgium by Fabrique Nationale for German use.
1940-1945 This gun is based on a design by American firearm designer John Browning, but was manufactured in Belgium by Fabrique Nationale for German use.

- Full Rohm SA German Daggar
- Prussian Naval Dirk
This dagger was handed over to 1LT Mosauer by a surrendering German officer. - SS Patch and Sword
The SS (Schutzstaffel Protection Squads) sword was found in the rubble of a German building by a US soldier. SS members removed and abandoned anything that could identify them as members of the infamous elite guard when they were fleeing. They knew they would face execution or trial for war crimes.

SS Handschar Collar Tab
The 13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar was the first non-German Waffen-SS division, largely recruited from Croatian Muslims and a few Catholic Croatians, founded in 1943. A handschar was an Ottoman fighting knife, and was used on their insignia. They trained in France and were deployed to Bosnia and Serbia.
The 13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar was the first non-German Waffen-SS division, largely recruited from Croatian Muslims and a few Catholic Croatians, founded in 1943. A handschar was an Ottoman fighting knife, and was used on their insignia. They trained in France and were deployed to Bosnia and Serbia.

Hitler Youth Armband and Hitler Youth Proficiency Award, Age 10-14
The Hitler Jugend, or Hitler Youth, was founded in 1926 for German boys and every non-Jewish boy was required to join. There were separate levels for boys ages 10-14 and 14-18. Awards were given out for passing tests of physical fitness and knowledge of Nazi ideology.
The Hitler Jugend, or Hitler Youth, was founded in 1926 for German boys and every non-Jewish boy was required to join. There were separate levels for boys ages 10-14 and 14-18. Awards were given out for passing tests of physical fitness and knowledge of Nazi ideology.

Nazi Women's Organization Membership Badge
The Nationalsocialistisches Frauenschaft (NSF), or Nazi Women's Organization, was created in 1931 when Hitler combined several existing women's leaques into one official one. This badge was obtained by Katherine Fite, July 25, 1945 during her service as an attorney in the office of U.S. Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality at Nuremberg, 1945.
The Nationalsocialistisches Frauenschaft (NSF), or Nazi Women's Organization, was created in 1931 when Hitler combined several existing women's leaques into one official one. This badge was obtained by Katherine Fite, July 25, 1945 during her service as an attorney in the office of U.S. Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality at Nuremberg, 1945.

Cross of Honor of the German Mother
Gold, Silver, and Bronze Classes
The Cross of Honor of the German Mother Bronze Class was given for having four or five children, the Silver for six or seven, and the Gold for eight or more. The bronze cross displayed here was awarded to Johanna Angenendt of Oberhausen.
Gold, Silver, and Bronze Classes
The Cross of Honor of the German Mother Bronze Class was given for having four or five children, the Silver for six or seven, and the Gold for eight or more. The bronze cross displayed here was awarded to Johanna Angenendt of Oberhausen.

German Mind Field Flag
Skull and crossbones flags such as these were found in the German military's mine field marketing kits.
Skull and crossbones flags such as these were found in the German military's mine field marketing kits.

Nazi Civilian Worker Armband
This armband was worn by civilian workers in the German State Service.
This armband was worn by civilian workers in the German State Service.

SA Sports Armband
The Sturmabteilung, known as SA or Brownshirts, was the paramilitary wing of the Nazi party. When serving as umpires, timekeepers, or track officials for official SA sports competitions, members would wear these armbands.
The Sturmabteilung, known as SA or Brownshirts, was the paramilitary wing of the Nazi party. When serving as umpires, timekeepers, or track officials for official SA sports competitions, members would wear these armbands.

Luftwaffe Oberfeldwebel Anti-Aircraft Artillery Collar Tab, Shoulder Strap, and Specialist Qualification Badge
The Oberfeldwebel was a non-commissioned officer rank in the German Army and German Air Force. This insignia was introduced in August 1937 and was awarded after nine months of service. The wearer served in an Anti-Aircraft Artillery unit, or Flak (Fliegerabwehrkanone or aircraft defense cannon). They often used 88mm guns against aircraft.
The Oberfeldwebel was a non-commissioned officer rank in the German Army and German Air Force. This insignia was introduced in August 1937 and was awarded after nine months of service. The wearer served in an Anti-Aircraft Artillery unit, or Flak (Fliegerabwehrkanone or aircraft defense cannon). They often used 88mm guns against aircraft.

German Iron Cross, First Class and Second Class
These Iron Cross examples were brought back to the US as souvenirs, with the First Class award possibly taken from the Reich Chancellery, the Nazi headquarters.
These Iron Cross examples were brought back to the US as souvenirs, with the First Class award possibly taken from the Reich Chancellery, the Nazi headquarters.

- German Field Radio
- German Helmet
- German Dress Bayonet 99-Stag Luftwaffe
- Gas Mask Canister
This canister, which stored a German gas mask, was found in a barn outside Sainte-Mere-Eglise, France. Unlike in WWI, poison gas wasn't used in combat, though both sides carried protective gear. Late in the war, German soldiers carried extra food in their canisters.

Holland Belgium France Germany