Miscellaneous WWII

Some Japanese Artifacts

Money, Books, Wing Fragment, Melted Vase

Updated October 2024
Posted December 2023

Japanese Invasion Money
Japanese Occupation Philippine Pesos
Japanese invasion money was issued by Japanese military forces to replace local currencies of occupied territories. These peso notes were used in the Philippines. Guerrilla Pesos were printed by local governments, but those caught using them could be arrested or executed. General MacArthur flooded the Philippines with Office of Strategic Services (OSS) counterfeit Japanese pesos as well.

Japanese Invasion Money

Japanese Occupation Ten Dollar Bill
Occupation Ten Dollar Bill
Nicknamed "Banana Money" for the engraving of the fruit, these bills were used in Japanese Occupied Malaysia. The currency and poem were given to President George W. Bush.

To President George W. Bush

A seemingly worthless bill have I,
priceless beyond the viewing eye,
but only to the understanding heart,
see all the lives lost from the start,
looking down upon us from the sky,
and never asked even why,
A seemingly worthless bill have I!

While history will record,
destruction was its end,
but virtue became the sword,
As our foe became our friend.

Let us not forget,
I give with a sigh,
To this seemingly worthless bill have I.

D. J. Bowman

Japanese Occupation Ten Dollar Bill

Japanese Counterfeit Invasion Money
Counterfeit Japanese Invasion Peso
This bill, which appears to be an American counterfeit of a Japanese peso, was signed by GA Douglas MacArthur. They were nicknamed "Mickey Mouse money" since soaring inflation, exacerbated by the US flooding the Philippines with.

Japanese Kathryn H Clauset
Kathryn H Clauset's Japanese-English Books
JTJG Clauset served as a WAVE during the war. These are some of her books from the US Navy Japanese Language School, in Boulder, CO. There, Japanese-American faculty taught Navy and Marine personnel who would serve in the Pacific, where they translated messages, broke codes, and interrogated Prisoners

Japanese Kathryn H Clauset

Japanese Mitsubishi F1M2 Fragment
Fragment from a Japanese F1M2 Modell 11 Wing with Bullet Hole
Based on the writing, this fragment appears to be from the wing on an F1M2, a Japanese floatplane.

Mitsubishi F1M

WIKIPEDIAThe Mitsubishi F1M
Allied reporting name "Pete"
Japanese reconnaissance floatplane of World War II. It was the last biplane type of the Imperial Japanese Navy, with 944 built between 1936 and 1944. The Navy designation was "Type Zero Observation Seaplane"

The F1M was originally built as a catapult-launched reconnaissance float plane, specializing in gunnery spotting. The "Pete" took on a number of local roles including convoy escort, bomber, anti-submarine, maritime patrol, rescue, transport, and anti-shipping strike; for example sinking Motor Torpedo Boat PT-34 on 9 April 1942. The type was also used as an area-defense fighter and engaged in aerial combat in the Aleutians, the Solomons and several other theaters. In the New Guinea front, it was often used in aerial combat with the Allied bombers and Allied fighters.

Wikipedia Mitsubishi F1M2

Other Wikipedia Citings

WWII Japanese Exclusion Order
Japanese Exclusion Order Notice

Headquarters Western Defense Command and Fourth Army
Presidio of San Francisco, California
May 5, 1942

Civilian Exclusion Order No. 41
1. Pursuant to the provisions of Public Proclamations Nos. 1 and 2, this Headquarters, dated March 2, 1942, and March 16, 1942, respectively, it is hereby ordered that from and after 12 o'clock noon, P. W. T., of Monday, May 11, 1942, all persons of Japanese ancestry, both alien and non-alien, be excluded from that portion of Military Area No. 1 described as follows:

All of that portion of tho City and County of San Francisco, State of California, within that boundary beginning at the intersection of Presidio Avenue and Sutter Street; thence easterly on Sutter Street to Van Ness Avenue; thence southerly on Van Ness Avenuo to O'Farrell Street; thence westerly on O'Far-rell Street to St. Joseph's Avenue (Calvary Cemetery); thence northerly on St. Joseph's Avenue to Geary Street; thence westerly on Geary Street to Presidio Avenue; thence northerly on Presidlo Avenue to the point of beginning.

2. A responsible member of each family, and each individual living alone, in the above described area will report between the hours of 8:00 A. M. and 5:00 P. M., Wednesday, May 6, 1942, or during the same hours on Thursday, May 7, 1942, to the Civil Control Station located at:

1530 Buchanan Street,
San Francisco, California.

3. Any person subject to this order who fails to comply with any of its provisions or with the provisions of published instructions pertaining hereto or who is found in the above area after 12 o'clock noon, P. W. T., of Monday, May 11, 1942, will be liable to the criminal penalties provided by Public Law No. 503, 77th Congress, approved March 21, 1942, entitled "An Act to Provide a Penalty for Violation of Restrictions or Orders with Respect to Persons Entering, Remaining in, Leaving or Committing Any Act in Military Areas or Zones," and alien Japanese will be subject to immediate apprehension and internment.

4. All persons within the bounds of an established Assembly Center pursuant to instructions from this Head-quarters are excepted from the provisions of this order while those persons are in such Assembly Center.

Lieutenant General, U.S. Army

Japanese Lithophane Tea Set
Japanese Geisha Lithophane Porcelain Dragon Tea Set
Sat. Nicholas M. Scalzi served in the US Army in the Philippines, and then as part of General MacArthur's security team in Tokyo. He sent home this tea set from Japan. When the teacups and saucers are held to the light, an image of a geisha appears.

Japanese Souvenir Tea Set

Hiroshima Melted Vase
Melted Vase
This bronze vase from Hiroshima was partially melted from the foce of the blast of the atomic bomb.

WWII Allied Forces Teletype
Allied Forces Teletype
August 15, 1945
Original teletype from General Douglas MacArthur to the Japanese Emperor, Imperial Government, and General Headquarters to arrange the "cessation of hostilities" dated (Wednesday) August 15th, 1945. 18 days later, on (Sunday) September 2nd the surrender documents would be signed aboard the U.S.S Missouri in Tokyo Harbor.

MacArthur General Headquarters
United States Army Forces Pacific
15 AUGUST 1945

FROM: Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers

TO: The Japanese Emperor

The Japanese Imperial Government

The Japanese Imperial General Headquarters


I have been designated as the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (The United States, The Republic of China, The United Kingdom, And the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) and empowered to arrange directly with the Japanese authorities for the cessation of hostilities at the earliest practicable date.

It is desired that a radio station in the Tokyo area be officially designated for continuous use in handling radio communications between this headquarters and your headquarters.

Your reply to this message should give call signs, frequencies, and station designation.

It is desired that the radio communication with my headquarters in Manila be handled in English text.

Pending designation by you of a station in the Tokyo area for use as above indicated, station JIG uncle Mike on frequency 13705 kilocycles will be used for this purpose and WTA Manila will reply on 15965 kilocycles.

Upon receipt of this message acknowledge.


WWII Allied Forces Cessation Teletype